

Hey guys! Just a little note here to say that I haven't completely forgotten you or this blog. I'm actually working on a redesign because I'm not Wonju Wife anymore and my mourning period is so close to over. I hope to have the new blog up and running (same spot, just new name and look) by the beginning of October! So I'm spending a lot of time watching tutorials on HTML and CSS and being creative on paper instead of on the Internet.

I never made an official announcement here, but I'm pregnant. I'm 14 weeks and counting. My due date is March 7th. I'm assuming most of you know this because I made a huge announcement on my YouTube channel titled My Big Secret and I also announced our pregnancy on Facebook. So, that's another reason I haven't been active here. I had an awful first trimester with all-day sickness and constant nausea. I feel better this trimester, but it has come to include severe day-long tension headaches and more morning sickness than I care to discuss here. Still waiting for that honeymoon period to start! Anyway, I'm sorry to have been absent for so very long and to have teased you with the first of our Santiago trip and not done anymore. But I think it's time for a change. And instead of rushing the change this time, I'm going to do it right.

Stay tuned for the reveal of all things new on October 3rd! Can't wait to get back to blogging. Oh, how I've missed you. 
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